Jesus Is Enough

In the quietness of God’s presence I want restoration .
I did many sins.
I think I’m not worthy of being His daughter.
That sin always runs in my mind.
I cried out asking  for forgiveness, but I wasn’t set free.
I am scared because that sin.
I know I can’t forgive myself , I can’t pay the price to forgive me.
I know that Jesus is a saviour .
I must pay the price .
I  need restoration .
but I realize that I couldn’t get it.
I must deserve any sickness.
I must deserve rejection .
I deserve all of these.
but Jesus came and said “Let me take your place , my child?”
I was crying and I said “ no, I deserve to get all these pains?”
“Don’t let any sin bind your heart. I’m still here for you, my child”
“No, God. I must pay all of the price”
“You can’t . That’s my Job – to Love and forgive you, my child”
Then I tried to turn my sight. I said “ No, Jesus I am so ashamed to give you my sin”
“Let me feel your pain and your shame, because I’m Your true friend”
“But I did many sins, Lord”
“Let me have your sin, my child”
I can’t change my place.
“let me have your place, my child”
I’m empty
“Let me pour out my love into your heart”
I’m not worthy, Lord.
“now , You are worthy by My blood”
What if I sin again?
“Just Go on my child, let me lead your heart”
I can’t pay this price.
“let me pay the price, my child
I hurt you many times , Lord.
“I do Love you forever, my child”
why should You choose me?

(Nora Silalahi)

Dear God…

Feeling sad is always running in my heart, feeling worried and scared is also running in my heart. It’s because I have done bad things and sinned.
God, I am a sinner. I cannot say anything about my feelings in my heart to anyone. I never share about my problems, what I am feeling, about family etc to people who are close to me, because I don’t feel comfortable with them. But many people like to share their problems with me, hoping they will get the best solution from me. They admit me as their counselor or their best friend.
Jesus, You are my best friend.  I feel comfort when talk with you, so that’s why I prefer talk with you than them.

God, only you who wants to accept me as I am. Human, just limited, having a heart like Yours.
God, can I ask you something?
Do you want to help me to solve my problem?
Please, give me one chance more?
You can take everything of mine, but please don’t punish me because of my sin.
I regret…!

Lord, with whole my heart I hope you give me 0ne chance, don’t punish me, please!!!
Thank you Lord. Amen

Love, Nora (Yes, I’m still your daughter)

Nora Silalahi