Jesus Is Enough

In the quietness of God’s presence I want restoration .
I did many sins.
I think I’m not worthy of being His daughter.
That sin always runs in my mind.
I cried out asking  for forgiveness, but I wasn’t set free.
I am scared because that sin.
I know I can’t forgive myself , I can’t pay the price to forgive me.
I know that Jesus is a saviour .
I must pay the price .
I  need restoration .
but I realize that I couldn’t get it.
I must deserve any sickness.
I must deserve rejection .
I deserve all of these.
but Jesus came and said “Let me take your place , my child?”
I was crying and I said “ no, I deserve to get all these pains?”
“Don’t let any sin bind your heart. I’m still here for you, my child”
“No, God. I must pay all of the price”
“You can’t . That’s my Job – to Love and forgive you, my child”
Then I tried to turn my sight. I said “ No, Jesus I am so ashamed to give you my sin”
“Let me feel your pain and your shame, because I’m Your true friend”
“But I did many sins, Lord”
“Let me have your sin, my child”
I can’t change my place.
“let me have your place, my child”
I’m empty
“Let me pour out my love into your heart”
I’m not worthy, Lord.
“now , You are worthy by My blood”
What if I sin again?
“Just Go on my child, let me lead your heart”
I can’t pay this price.
“let me pay the price, my child
I hurt you many times , Lord.
“I do Love you forever, my child”
why should You choose me?

(Nora Silalahi)

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